Complementary Modalities - An Overview
2 Hours – $20
By Dr. Sue Roe and Dr. Maryann Ivons
This 2-hour online course is designed for a general audience. Healthcare providers may also benefit from this course.
This course explores a variety of complementary modalities and the impact they can have on health and wellness. Examine the basic philosophies of each of the selected modalities, how they are used, and the health conditions that may benefit from their use.
Positively Balance Your Practice and Life
3 Hours – $40
By Dr. Maryann Ivons and Dr. Sue Roe
This 3-hour online course is designed for healthcare providers. A general audience may also benefit from this course.
This course provides awareness and strategies needed to integrate the principles and practices of health and wellness to balance daily practice and personal life. Emphasis is on examining the health and wellness of your current practice and life and then exploring ways to create balance.
Building Personal Resilience
3 Hours – $40
By Dr. Marla Weston
This 3-hour online course is designed for healthcare providers.
This course explores the need for personal resilience in today’s fast-paced healthcare environment. Learn skills and strategies to enhance and maximize your resilience.
Mindful Eating
3 Hours – $40
By Jacky Cherney
This 3-hour online course is designed for a general audience. Healthcare providers may also benefit from this course.
This course explores the benefits of mindful eating. Learn how to pay “full attention” to not only what you eat, but how you make food selections. Examine other helpful awareness strategies to build personal mindful eating habits that can result in maintaining a healthy weight. Imagine enjoying food and not feeling guilty about it!
The Mighty Mini’s: The Importance of Vitamins and Minerals
3 Hours – $40
By Jacky Cherney
This 3-hour course is designed for a general audience. Healthcare providers may also benefit from this course.
This course assists in understanding the importance of vitamins and minerals in your daily diet. Analyze your nutritional intake to determine your personal levels of vitamin and mineral consumption. Learn how to improve your intake to maintain proper and healthy eating habits and to ensure you are consuming necessary and sufficient “mighty mini’s” daily.
Making Fitness Fun
3 Hours – $40
By Jacky Cherney
This 3-hour online course is designed for a general audience. Healthcare providers may also benefit from this course.
This course explores multiple ways to increase your physical activity to improve the quality of your life. Cardiovascular, resistance and flexibility training are fully explained and guidelines are provided to ensure proper use of each. Further, learn ways to make them more enjoyable so they become a part of your daily life.
Senior Nutrition and Fitness
3 Hours – $40
By Jacky Cherney
This 3-hour course is designed for a general audience. Healthcare providers may also benefit from this course.
This course is designed to improve the quality of life of older adults by encouraging healthy eating and exercise habits appropriate for those of mature age. Opportunities are provided to examine current fitness, stability, and balance and ways to improve each.
Body Image and Eating Disorders
3 Hours – $40
By Jacky Cherney
This 3-hour course is designed for a general audience. Healthcare providers may also benefit from this course.
This course examines various eating disorders. Information regarding signs and symptoms are presented, along with guidance on how to best respond to a friend, family member, or patient when an eating disorder is suspected.
Minding your Zzz’s: Tips for Better Sleep
3 Hours – $40
By Jacky Cherney
This 3-hour online course is designed for a general audience. Healthcare providers may also benefit from this course.
This course examines the benefits of sleep and its importance in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Explore personal sleeping habits and learn how to develop healthier sleep habits and patterns.