Phoenix, Arizona

Holistic Strategies for Teaching Excellence: Learning to Teach – Teaching to Learn©!

By Dr. Sue Roe
Single Course: $18
All 10 Courses: $150

This program contains 10 courses with each designed to assist and support faculty in developing their skills as engaging and effective facilitators of learning. Courses include:

  • Seminars with interactive activities
  • Learning resources and supplemental materials
  • Holistic teaching portfolio
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Learn the dynamics, environment, models and theories needed to promote learning. Discover the characteristics and qualities of effective facilitators of learning, your personal philosophy of learning, and learning style.
Learn what it takes to become and remain an excellent facilitator of learning. Discover how to maintain your passion and your commitment, while balancing your work life with personal demands.
Learn the principles and dynamics of behavior and how they manifest into the ways student learners act and react in learning environments. Discover how to use these to increase/enrich student learner performance.
Learn how to develop programs and courses which focus on performance, competence, and mastery. Discover strategies and processes needed to design and deliver courses that ensure the attainment of performance based competencies.
Learn important considerations of designing and using a learner centered syllabus. Discover key components and a format which helps you create user friendly informative syllabi that reflect specific course requirements.
Learn approaches to deliver course content/materials that achieve expected learning competencies. Discover ways to “manage” your classroom that enrich the learning environment and successfully respond to student learner styles and behaviors.
Learn strategies needed to assess and evaluate the effectiveness of programs/courses and student learner achievement. Discover evidence based ways to “test” and grade performance.
Learn the unique characteristics of facilitating learning in an online environment. Discover the best approaches and methods to making your courses engaging for student learners.
Learn how to determine the best ways to deliver content/materials in an interactive online learning environment. Discover ways to manage your time, your energies, and your contact with student learners.
Learn how to measure and design student learning in practice settings such as clinical/performance training. Discover techniques to promote “best practice” and high levels of competence and performance.

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